
“We are called to feed, teach and serve HIS people, our mission is to help impoverished communities THRIVE

the people

The war on p0verty

Zambians are open hearted and hard working, and want to thrive. They are very receptive to receiving upliftment as they understand the importance independence. Government and the House of Chiefs embrace projects of integrity.


The 73 tribes of Zambia interact with one hand on their heart and one hand outstretched. The foundation of Zambia is built on peace and harmony and has never seen a war . The war of Zambia is a war of poverty.  

The food shortage problem

The war on p0verty

In rural Zambia, life is characterized by a delicate balance between survival and the harsh realities of limited resources. The primary sustenance for the community is maize, complemented by relish made from forest roots, and occasionally wildlife meat, chicken, or fish from the Kafue River during the dry season when fishing is legal. With no access to running water or electricity, the minimum wage for farm laborers is a meager R930.00 / $50.68 per month as of December 2023. The absence of clinics within a 25-kilometer radius means that medical attention requires arduous journeys. Medications are scarce, and malaria is pervasive. The lack of family planning compounds the challenges, and the community struggles to live sustainably, resorting to deforestation for charcoal production at a rate of 1 hectare per week. This desperation also leads to overhunting, desecrating the animal population. Additional income is seldom saved, contributing to alcohol and theft problems. The community’s daily struggles reflect a delicate coexistence with nature, marked by a constant trade-off between survival and environmental impact.

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